What is foot golf?
Footgolf is a sport played on a golf course using a soccer ball. There are either 9 or 18 holes, and the rules are almost the same as golf. Put the ball into the bucket-sized hole instead of into the goal. The sport is rapidly gaining popularity and has been called the “fastest growing new sport in history.” It was invented by Michael Jansen and Bas Corsten of the Netherlands, who held the first tournament for professional soccer players in 2008. Since then, the International Footgolf Federation has been established, and international competitions have been held since the first World Cup was held in Hungary in 2012. Footgolf is a sport that even beginners can easily play, and can be enjoyed by everyone, including children, women, and even grandparents. The exhilarating feeling of kicking a ball on the vast natural grass of a golf course is appealing. Please give it a try!

Foot Golf and Sakura City, Seven Hundred Club
Sakura City aims to popularize foot golf and revitalize the region, taking the opportunity of the Foot Golf World Cup, which was scheduled to be held at Seven Hundred Club in 2020 (later canceled in 2021 due to the influence of the new coronavirus), to hold the “Sakura We have established the City Foot Golf Town Promotion Committee. The city will carry out various activities to make the area a sacred place for foot golf, and aim to promote the sport and revitalize the area. Yuyu Park, a park in the city, has a free foot golf course that anyone can enjoy as long as they bring a soccer ball. We also incorporate foot golf into physical education classes at elementary schools in the city, and hold foot golf trial sessions and citizen tournaments in an effort to encourage local people to become familiar with foot golf and revitalize the region.

”フットゴルフの聖地” セブンハンドレッドクラブ
“The Holy Land of Foot Golf” Seven Hundred Club

How was it?
There are three golf courses in Tochigi Prefecture where you can play foot golf, making it one of the most popular foot golf courses in the country. Among them, Sakura City and the Seven Hundred Club are receiving a lot of attention.
When you think of foot golf, you think of Sakura City, and when you think of Sakura City, you think of foot golf.
Please take this opportunity to enjoy foot golf in Sakura City! !
セブンハンドレッドクラブ Seven Hundred Clubhttps://www.700c.jp/